WP Fluent Forms & reCaptcha v3

You can use WP Fluent Forms, ReCaptcha and Complianz quite easily while keeping all features. Follow this quick guide to set it up;

Enabling reCaptcha in Complianz

In the wizard, under Cookies (Consent in later versions) -> Integrations, make sure you select reCaptcha as a third party and answer the follow-up question, as shown below, with “Yes”. This will make sure Complianz knows you’re using reCaptcha and will block it if needed.

Enabling reCaptcha v3 in WP Fluent Forms

  1. Enter your reCaptcha v3 API keys under “Global settings – reCaptcha”. Please use the V3 Invisible reCaptcha.
  2. In your preferred form you can now add the reCaptcha block to your form. Available under “Advanced settings”

Consent for reCaptcha on your Fluent Form

Below your reCaptcha block, place a new “Custom HTML” block to be used as a button or placeholder. Add the following HTML:

The button will most likely be styled by your theme. If you want to change the styling, add some custom CSS:

Example with WordPress standard theme

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Complianz has received its Google CMP Certification to conform to requirements for publishers using Google advertising products.